Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Screwing the Vets and the Families

"Screwing" is probably the gentlest, least offensive word to describe this.  In more plain terminology, if this scheme involving the Veterans Administration and their so-very-literally partner in crime, Prudential, does not piss you off then you are likely dead or unconscious.

For How Long Will You Allow It?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Do the Math

As of right about now, the U.S. "official" National Debt is
The U.S. population just hit
Calculate your share.

Monday, September 13, 2010

BP's Myth Busted - The Oil is Still in the Gulf

The fact that this report comes via mainstream corporate media channel ABC News, should put the reader on notice that the actual story is worse yet that what is disclosed here [which in itself is plenty to confirm suspicions that BP and the Obama administration have been lying].
Oil from the BP spill has not been completely cleared, but miles of it is sitting at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, according to a study currently under way.

Professor Samantha Joye of the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Georgia, who is conducting a study on a research vessel just two miles from the spill zone, said the oil has not disappeared, but is on the sea floor in a layer of scum. “We’re finding it everywhere that we’ve looked. The oil is not gone,” Joye said.

[. . . .]

Joye said the oil cannot be natural seepage into the gulf, because the cores they’ve tested are showing oil only at the top. With natural seepage, the oil would spread from the top to the bottom of the core, she said.

“It looks like you just took a strip of very sticky material and just passed it through the water column and all the stuff from the water column got stuck to it, and got transported to the bottom,” Joye said. “I know what a natural seep looks like — this is not natural seepage.”

In some areas the oily material that Joye describes is more than two inches thick. Her team found the material as far as 70 miles away from BP’s well. “If we’re seeing two and half inches of oil 16 miles away, God knows what we’ll see close in....”

This oil remaining underwater has large implications for the state of sea life at the bottom of the gulf. Joye said she spent hours studying the core samples and was unable to find anything other than bacteria and microorganisms living within. “There is nothing living in these cores other than bacteria,” she said. “I’ve yet to see a living shrimp, a living worm, nothing.”
The Obama administration announced on August 4th that 74 percent of the oil was gone -- having broken down or been cleaned up or been magically disappeared by pixies and mermaids. Days later, however, studies conducted by the University of Georgia and the University of South Florida found "that almost 80 percent of the oil that leaked from BP’s well is still out in the waters of the Gulf."

Lying bastards.

EPIC Sues NSA for Info re Google Relationship

From the Electronic Privacy Information Center [an organization that's been fighting the good fight since the early 1990s] web site:
EPIC Files Suit For Documents Regarding Google/NSA Partnership
Today, EPIC filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the National Security Agency in the United States District Court in the District of Columbia. The agency failed to respond to EPIC's FOIA request for documents about an "Information Assurance" partnership with Google. EPIC previously appealed to the agency to comply with its legal duty to produce the documents, but he agency failed to respond. EPIC is also seeking the Presidential Directive that grants the NSA authority to conduct electronic surveillance in the United States. For more information, see EPIC: Open Government.